The Math You'll Use in Chemistry Checklist and Practice Problems

The number one reason why students fear Chemistry is because they're either afraid of the math or have completely forgotten it. These three resources are going to strengthen your math skills so that you don't have to take Chemistry all over again.


Download the Checklist

Print the checklist and follow along with the videos. Also includes practice problems with answer key.

Watch the Playlist

After you've downloaded the checklist, start watching the videos and follow along with me as we brush up on the math.

Try the Practice Problems

I've created everything you need to practice what you just learned. Every practice problems comes with a step-by-step video explanation.

I've seen so many students feel like they're falling behind in class because they don't understand their teacher's lectures and their textbook is making Chemistry more complicated than it has to be.

This is EXACTLY why I've created my Chemistry Guides and Flashcards to help you focus on what is most commonly found on exams.

All of my resources are designed to help you score higher and study less by getting straight to the point.

Believe it or not, I had to retake my first Chemistry class and learn the hard way of what not to do. Now, every resource I create is what I wish existed when I was taking Chemistry.

So download the checklist, watch the playlist, try the practice problems, and come back to my site for more help.

Wish you the best this semester,

Melissa Maribel